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UW Crow Hunt

Registration begins February 26th 4pm - March 2nd 11am
2 person teams $50/team
Each team can begin hunting during legal shooting hours on March 2nd. Weigh in begins at 3pm. Must be back to UW Wanderoos to weigh in by 5pm at the latest.

Dinner begins at 430pm & includes chili, wild rice soup with fixings and bun as well as dessert. Dinner is included with registration. Dinner for non-registered hunters is $10/person

Raffles & prizes will begin at 6pm

100% payout
1st Place Winner for heaviest bird is 50% of the total pot
2nd Place Winner will be given to the team with the most birds and is 30% of the pot
3rd Place Winner will be given for the second team with the most birds 20% of the pot

In the event of a tie, heaviest total weight of birds will take the win. Birds must be cut open to ensure no cheating.

Proceeds raised will be donated to the Wounded Warriors United of Wisconsin.

February 24

Winter fun run - osceola sno-goers

March 2

Benefit for Judy Anderson