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Registration for the hunt begins on Friday March 10th at 4pm and goes until Saturday March 11th at 11am. 2 person teams @ $50 per team to register. Registration includes dinner, and entry into door prize drawings. Hunting begins at legal shooting hours on Saturday March 11th. Weigh in starts at 3pm, MUST BE BACK TO UW BY 5PM for weigh in. Dinner starts at 5pm, raffles start at 6pm. Dinner for nonhunters $9 *Dinner menu to be announced.
Crow Hunt is 100% payout:
1st place- Heaviest bird (heaviest bird may be cut open to ensure no cheating)
2nd place- Most birds
3rd place- Second most birds
(In the event of a tie, heaviest total weight of birds will take the win)
Raffle prize/gun announcements and more details to come!